How to Pass constexpr to Constructor? A Beginner’s Guide to Mastering C++ Magic
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How to Pass constexpr to Constructor? A Beginner’s Guide to Mastering C++ Magic

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Welcome, young C++ wizards! Are you tired of dealing with pesky runtime errors and sluggish performance? Do you dream of harnessing the power of constexpr to create blazing-fast, compilation-time-evaluated code? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll embark on a thrilling adventure to master the art of passing constexpr to constructors, unlocking the secrets of C++’s most potent feature.

What is constexpr, and why do we need it?

constexpr is a keyword in C++ that allows the compiler to evaluate expressions at compile-time, rather than runtime. This means that the compiler can optimize your code, reducing the execution time and increasing the overall performance of your application. With constexpr, you can create immutable objects, perform complex calculations, and even write algorithms that run entirely at compile-time.

The Problem: Passing constexpr to Constructors

However, passing constexpr to constructors can be a bit tricky. You see, constexpr objects are, by definition, immutable and must be initialized at compile-time. But, what if you want to create an object that depends on a constexpr value, and that value changes depending on the situation? Ah, the conundrum!

Solution 1: Using Template Metaprogramming

One way to pass constexpr to constructors is by using template metaprogramming. This approach involves creating a template class that takes a constexpr parameter and uses it to initialize the object. Let’s dive into an example:

template <int N>
struct MyClass {
    constexpr MyClass() : value_(N) {}
    int value_;

constexpr int myConstexpr = 10;
MyClass<myConstexpr> myObject;

In this example, we define a template class MyClass that takes an integer template parameter N. The constructor initializes the member variable value_ with the constexpr value N. We then create a constexpr variable myConstexpr and use it to instantiate an object of type MyClass.

Pros and Cons of Template Metaprogramming

This approach has its advantages:

  • You can create objects that depend on constexpr values at compile-time.
  • Template metaprogramming is a powerful tool for generic programming.

However, there are some drawbacks:

  • The code can become complex and difficult to read.
  • Template metaprogramming can lead to code bloat and increased compilation times.

Solution 2: Using User-Defined Literals

Another way to pass constexpr to constructors is by using user-defined literals. This approach involves creating a custom literal operator that converts a constexpr value into an object. Let’s explore an example:

struct MyClass {
    constexpr MyClass(int value) : value_(value) {}
    int value_;

MyClass operator""_myliteral(int value) {
    return MyClass(value);

constexpr int myConstexpr = 10;
MyClass myObject = 10_myliteral;

In this example, we define a custom literal operator “_myliteral” that takes an integer value and returns an object of type MyClass. We then create a constexpr variable myConstexpr and use it to create an object of type MyClass.

Pros and Cons of User-Defined Literals

This approach has its advantages:

  • User-defined literals provide a clean and concise syntax for creating objects.
  • They can be used to create objects that depend on constexpr values at compile-time.

However, there are some drawbacks:

  • User-defined literals can be confusing for beginners.
  • They may not be as flexible as template metaprogramming.

Solution 3: Using constexpr Functions

A third approach to passing constexpr to constructors is by using constexpr functions. This involves creating a constexpr function that takes a constexpr parameter and returns an object. Let’s examine an example:

constexpr MyClass createObject(int value) {
    return MyClass(value);

struct MyClass {
    constexpr MyClass(int value) : value_(value) {}
    int value_;

constexpr int myConstexpr = 10;
MyClass myObject = createObject(myConstexpr);

In this example, we define a constexpr function createObject that takes an integer parameter and returns an object of type MyClass. We then create a constexpr variable myConstexpr and use it to create an object of type MyClass.

Pros and Cons of constexpr Functions

This approach has its advantages:

  • constexpr functions provide a clear and concise syntax for creating objects.
  • They can be used to create objects that depend on constexpr values at compile-time.

However, there are some drawbacks:

  • constexpr functions may not be as flexible as template metaprogramming.
  • They can lead to code duplication if not used carefully.

Best Practices for Passing constexpr to Constructors

Now that we’ve explored the different solutions, let’s discuss some best practices for passing constexpr to constructors:

  1. Keep it simple: Use the simplest approach that meets your requirements. Avoid over-engineering your code with complex template metaprogramming or custom literal operators.
  2. Use meaningful names: Choose names that clearly indicate the purpose of your constexpr values and objects.
  3. Document your code: Provide clear and concise documentation for your constexpr values and objects, including their purpose and usage.
  4. Test thoroughly: Verify that your constexpr values and objects are correctly evaluated at compile-time and runtime.


Passing constexpr to constructors can be a powerful tool in your C++ arsenal, but it requires careful planning and execution. By mastering the art of constexpr, you can unlock the secrets of C++’s most potent feature and create lightning-fast, compilation-time-evaluated code.

Remember, the key to success lies in understanding the different solutions and their trade-offs. By following best practices and keeping your code simple, readable, and maintainable, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a C++ wizard.

Solution Description Pros Cons
Template Metaprogramming Use template metaprogramming to create objects that depend on constexpr values. Flexible, powerful, and generic. Complex, code bloat, and increased compilation times.
User-Defined Literals Use custom literal operators to create objects that depend on constexpr values. Concise syntax, easy to use, and flexible. Confusing for beginners, may not be as flexible as template metaprogramming.
constexpr Functions Use constexpr functions to create objects that depend on constexpr values. Clear syntax, easy to use, and flexible. May not be as flexible as template metaprogramming, code duplication.

Now, go forth and wield the power of constexpr like a true C++ master! Remember to share your knowledge and experiences with others, and together, we’ll create a community of C++ wizards who will change the world, one constexpr at a time!

Frequently Asked Question

When it comes to passing constexpr to a constructor, things can get a bit tricky. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions and answers to help you navigate this complex topic.

What is the main difference between a constexpr and a const variable?

The key difference between a constexpr and a const variable is that a constexpr is evaluated at compile-time, whereas a const variable is evaluated at runtime. This means that a constexpr must be initialized with a constant expression, whereas a const variable can be initialized with any expression that can be evaluated at runtime.

How do I pass a constexpr to a constructor?

To pass a constexpr to a constructor, you can simply pass it as a parameter to the constructor, just like you would with any other variable. However, keep in mind that the constexpr must be visible at the point of instantiation, and its value must be known at compile-time.

Can I use a constexpr as a non-type template parameter?

Yes, you can use a constexpr as a non-type template parameter. In fact, this is one of the most common use cases for constexpr. By using a constexpr as a non-type template parameter, you can create templates that are more flexible and expressive.

What are some common pitfalls to avoid when working with constexpr and constructors?

One common pitfall to avoid is trying to use a constexpr as a variable that can be modified at runtime. Another pitfall is failing to ensure that the constexpr is visible at the point of instantiation. Finally, be careful when using constexpr with complex expressions, as they can lead to compilation errors if not used correctly.

Are there any performance benefits to using constexpr with constructors?

Yes, using constexpr with constructors can provide significant performance benefits. Because the constexpr is evaluated at compile-time, it can reduce the amount of work that needs to be done at runtime. This can lead to faster execution times and more efficient code.

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